Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Myanmar President U Thein Sein on April 1 called on people to assist his
government in promoting peace, stability, the rule of law and

On his monthly regular radio speech to
the nation, the leader said he firmly committed to using the power
vested in him by the constitution and laws to protect the life, freedom
and property of all citizens.

He criticised some
citizens for resorting violence and other illegal means that involved
terrorist acts, murder and arson, to solve problems, adding that such
behaviours have tarnished the image of Myanmar in the eyes of
international community.

According to Myanmar ’s
media, the order has been restored in six towns in the country’s central
Bago region following the state of emergency and curfew which were
issued on March 26.

The people returned to daily routines, yet security was still tightened to ensure the riots would not reoccur.

Earlier, an array of religious conflicts broke out in Meikhtila then
spread out to 15 other towns in the region, causing the death of 43
people and other 86 were injured.-VNA

By vivian