Fri. Dec 27th, 2024

The satisfaction of people and businesses with the implementation of
public administrative procedures at state agencies will be assessed via
supervisory systems with specific criteria, creating a basis to gauge
real impacts of the public administrative reform every year.

The Administrative Procedure Control Agency (APCA) and the
International Finance Corporation (IFC) jointly held a workshop in
Hanoi on March 28 to discuss a draft questionnaire for 24 key groups
of public administrative procedures in need of drastic reforms as stated
in the Prime Minister’s Decisioin 263/QD-TTg.

questionnaire will assess public service quality and attitude of public
servants in 13 criteria on a four-grade satisfaction scale.

According to the APCA, outcomes from surveys of people and businesses
will serve as reference for the advisory panel on administrative
procedures reform to advise the Prime Minister on key tasks in the
following years, as well as initiatives to further the reform.

At the workshop, participants agreed that the new form of survey will
help ensure a more objective assessment of administrative procedures
reforms. They however, noted that the draft questionnaire is still too
long and goes into too much detail, which may cause difficulties for

By vivian