The Thai Ministry of Education on May 15 proposed a program to revise a
number of legal terms related to education to facilitate the
liberalisation of educational services within ASEAN.
Thai Deputy Minister Puangpet Chunlaiad said that all departments and
sectors under the ministry will be mobilised to realise the programme,
which is seen as one of the steps Thailand has taken to contribute
to building an ASEAN common community by 2015.
them, the office of the higher education committee is due to implement
the Thai Government’s special plan to turn the country into an
international education center.
Universities across the country have so far offered over 1,000 international standard courses and other training programmes.
Thammasat University is carrying out a project on the
establishment of an ASEAN research center, which will serve as a bank of
knowledge for Thai and ASEAN scholars. It has offered a number of ASEAN
language training courses to prepare for the establishment of an ASEAN
common community.-VNA